OCRCC Responds to the Health Professions Regulatory Advisory Council (HRPAC) on the Controlled Act of Psychotherapy
The impacts of sexual violence are most commonly understood via trauma or mental health frameworks.
But we believe that sexual violence cannot be separated from a broader social context – one in which the victim, the offender, and the violation itself exist in a larger system of social norms, relations and inequities.
Community-based sexual assault centre services are rooted in a comprehensive and socially-contextualized analysis of sexual violence. In this way, our counselling models can differ from medical and mental health frameworks, including psychotherapy.
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Many sexual assault cases did not proceed due to judge shortages, court and Crown delays: OCRCC responds
Multiple sexual assault cases did not proceed through the legal system in Ontario recently, due to foreseeable judge shortages[1], court delays[2], and Crown delays[3]. As a result, those who were [...]