Are you a friend of your local community sexual assault centre?

If yes, help us support sexual violence survivors in our communities.

More survivors could be getting support by now.

A planned 30% increase to the sexual violence sector was announced in 2018, but was cut by the current provincial government in 2019. This increase would have addressed significant service pressures at community sexual assault centres, following a number of high-profile sexual violence cases in Ontario. It would have meant greater capacity to help people reaching out to Ontario’s community-based sexual assault centres. At that time, the government ‒ and sexual violence support service providers alike – lauded the plan, which was meant to help survivors of sexual violence “get the support they need, when they need it”.

Despite this, under Ontario’s current government, this funding increase never became reality, and in recent years, demands for sexual assault support services have only increased.

Together we can make a difference. Here’s how:

If you’re part of a community organization or group, complete this letter and send it to your local MPP (Member of Provincial Parliament):

If you’re an individual, complete this letter and send it to your local MPP (Member of Provincial Parliament):

Community sexual assault centres provide support services like counselling and advocacy, help survivors of violence who are in crisis, prevent sexual violence through education, and create social change in our communities. We can work together to make a bigger impact.

Your friends at Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres



If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual violence, go to:


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