OCRCC Participates at the Select Committee on Sexual Violence and Harassment

In the fall of 2014, Ontarians were shocked by the news of several high profile cases of sexual violence and harassment. Stories emerged from workplaces, campuses, the military, and government. As has happened many times, these reports were initially met with skepticism and even ridicule: “Why didn’t she say something earlier if it was so bad?” or “I know him, he would never do something like that.”

But as fall turned into winter, the one or two lone voices turned into a wave of anger across the country. Skepticism turned into solidarity and a commitment to social change.

It was against this backdrop that the Select Committee on Sexual Violence and Harassment was created on December 11, 2014, and given a mandate to make recommendations to help prevent sexual violence and harassment and to improve the province’s response system to these problems.

Read OCRCC’s remarks to the Select Committee on Sexual Violence and Harassment here. 

Read the Select Committee on Sexual Violence and Harassment final report and recommendations here. 

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