Sexual abuse survivors: Province cuts crime victims fund

In September, the Ontario Government announced supports meant to “make it easier for victims of violent crime and their families to get the help they need when and where they need it most” [1]. These changes include both an “enhanced” Victim Quick Response Program + (VQRP+); and, unfortunately, an end to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board (CICB) — a program used often by survivors of sexual violence.

While the enhanced VQRP may be effective for some victims of crime, we at Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres know it won’t be accessible to most survivors of sexual violence.

What’s more, the end of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board will impact sexual violence survivors significantly, reducing their access to long-term counselling options.

Many victims of historical sexual crimes are no longer eligible for compensation at all.

Read more here about what the end of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board means for survivors of sexual violence in Ontario.

[1] Ministry of the Attorney General (Ontario). Ontario Providing New Supports to Victims of Crime Government making system faster and easier to navigate. Online: September 6, 2019. Online here.  

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