What’s new? OCRCC responds

OCRCC responds to current issues related to sexual violence and the needs of sexual violence survivors. Read our press releases and our take on sexual violence trends in Ontario.
  • OCRCC affirms the importance of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and trans and gender inclusion

      We believe that everyone in Ontario – no matter their gender identity, race or abilities – is deserving of acceptance and belonging. Equity and inclusion promote fair conditions so [...]

  • On December 6: OCRCC stands in solidarity with those affected by gender-based violence

      On December 6, Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres (OCRCC)  stands in solidarity with those affected by gender-based violence: Despite high femicide rates and court stays in gender-based violence cases, [...]

  • Violence against Indigenous women in Winnipeg case ‘purposeful and racially motivated’: OCRCC responds

    In 2022, four women were targeted, harmed and killed by the same man in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Rebecca Contois, 24, Morgan Harris, 39, Marcedes Myran, 26, and an unidentified woman who [...]

  • Many sexual assault cases did not proceed due to judge shortages, court and Crown delays: OCRCC responds

    Multiple sexual assault cases did not proceed through the legal system in Ontario recently, due to foreseeable judge shortages[1], court delays[2], and Crown delays[3]. As a result, those who were [...]

  • Government to back bill declaring partner violence an epidemic: OCRCC responds

    Ontario will support a bill to declare intimate partner violence an epidemic in the province. Previous to this, the province rejected this recommendation. The recommendation came from an inquest into [...]

  • Recognizing the expertise of Black, Indigenous and people of color communities in sexual violence support work and violence prevention

    Anyone can experience sexual violence. Even so, sexual violence can’t be separated from a broader context—one in which the person who is victimized, the person who has caused harm, and [...]

  • National Action Plan to End Gender-based Violence announced in Ontario: OCRCC responds

    This letter was sent to provincial and federal political leaders connected to the National Action Plan to End Gender-based Violence in November 2023. Dear Honourable Minister Ien, Honourable Williams and [...]

  • Former World Junior Hockey players face sex assault charges: OCRCC responds

    Five former 2018 world junior hockey players were told to surrender to police in London, Ont., to face charges in a case related to "a sexual assault investigation dating back to 2018”[1]. Since [...]

  • Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres (OCRCC): December 6: the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in 2023

      Violence can affect anyone—but the events of December 6, 1989 made clear that violent victimization is often gendered. On December 6, 1989, a gunman killed 14 women at Montreal’s [...]

  • Supporting 2SLGBTQQIA+ inclusion and confronting transphobia and homophobia: OCRCC responds

      Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, non-binary (2SLGBTQQIA+[1]) rights are facing escalating intolerance in Canada, and the 2SLGBTQQIA+ community is facing serious expressions of hate.   [...]

  • Ontario rejects some recommendations from triple murder inquest jury: Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres (OCRCC) responds

      On September 22, 2015, three women were found murdered at separate locations within a 25-kilometre radius of Wilno, Ontario in Renfrew County. In 2017, Basil Borutski was convicted of first-degree [...]

  • Pride and Confronting growing homophobia and transphobia in our communities: OCRCC responds

      Pride Month is a celebration of Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, non-binary (2SLGBTQQIA+[1]) people and communities. Pride recognizes the rights and achievements of people belonging [...]